Where Bloggers Live: “How I Organize”

I seriously considered posting this title with absolutely zero text. (Actually, if I had, it might have been your favorite post ever.)

Organize? Me?

Let’s just say the reason there are TWO posts going live today is because:
a) It’s the second Friday, which means a WBL post is happening, and
b) I’ve spent the last 60 days hinting at a project that I had to write about this week (so that I wouldn’t string you along a third time).

So, no. I’m not very organized.

Mr. Craig–one of my of high school teachers–pegged that deficiency in me decades ago, (and logged it for posterity in my yearbook):

Spike”? I forgot he called. me that!

Forty years later, I’m still working on it.

Sometimes I organize, as I did when I cleaned up my broom closet this past weekend (because I wanted to and NOT for this post):

This was my solution for the “junk drawer” in the kitchen:

I DO try very hard to find a system for everything, even though no one but me tries to adhere to it.

But I DO also still stuff, stash, hide, and stow…. Remember the closet post? I had to clean it to write it.

This is my stash corner in the Dining Room (photo taken today):

Shirt donations, to-be-used shelves, a retail return and a VERY fun present I bought myself (but don’t have time to use right now)….all things that currently comprise my “stash corner.”

And there are curtain rods and bolts of fabric nearly spilling out of my front closet. (Actually, they wouldn’t be nearly spilling out if someone’s husband didn’t leave the closet door ajar every morning as an unspoken hint that it bugs him.)

Back in the day, there was a television commercial that asked/accused, “You wouldn’t hide dirt under the rug, would you?!” I’d never heard of that before, but I still remember thinking it would be a brilliant idea in a pinch.

I have a few organizational skills, The rest I have acquired through marriage..

Which is one reason why, over there –> in the “You Found Me” section of the sidebar, I use the phrase “semi-regular bickering.”

Poor Mister!

The poster child for “fastidious,” Mr is doomed to spend a lifetime with a flys-by-the-seat-of-her-pants whirling dervish. Not that I don’t possess redeeming qualities. In fact, I LOOOOVE tidy! But I can also live with a little chaos. And it’s a DARN good thing, because I am living there now. For the past month and a half, I have been a resident of First World Hell, meaning (I’m blessed with, but complaining about) too many positive (but demanding) things happening at once.

(I’ll complain 24/7, but–trust me–I’ll be okay, haha.)

Don’t forget to check out my other post before heading over to see how the rest of the WBL bloggers organize. I can promise you’ll find MORE organization, and less griping! Please visit::

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Em at Dust and Doghair
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After 
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Over the next few months, a group of six bloggers will be sharing their workspaces, their homes, towns and more!

Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. What a fun read!! I am just sorry it has taken me so long to remember to visit. Don’t know what is wrong with me, but I cannot think straight these days. My daughter had a heart procedure and for a week I was going back and forth helping with her babies. I think everything on the home front/blogging front fell apart then.

    Anyway, my husband gives me subtle and not-so-subtle hints about my stashes of holiday and seasonal decor all the time. I asked him to help me put a bin of spring decor back on a shelf in the garage and that sparked a big Friday-long fight. My craft space is usually topsy turvy but I managed to clean it up for this post.

    Have started making myself take clothes for donation, returns, library books to return straight out to the car so they don’t sit around by the door for weeks on end. I think your broom closet looks pretty good and your junk drawer, too. I like having little cubbies to corral things with. A box for staples, one for paper clips, etc. But those take up space, too. And don’t always fit well in the drawers. I saw the cutest quote which spoke to me – My mind is a like a kitchen junk drawer that’s been dumped out on a trampoline. YUP!!

    1. I had SO many things I wanted to reply to your comment that I actually considered a phone call, instead. And so I never commented back. SO SORRY!
      For nothing but unimportant reasons (unlike yours) time has not been my friend lately. I guess that’s the FIRST place where I need to get better organization skills!

  2. Well, your broom closet and junk drawer look pretty good. You don’t even want to see my junk drawer – because it’s exactly that and you could lose a finger or two digging through it.

    Now when it comes to your stash in the corner, that would “drive me nuts”. I could stand it stuck in a closet somewhere out of site, but just sitting in the corner, nope.

    Isn’t it a good thing we all have different personalities.

    1. Haha! Yes!
      I guess I need some kind of “in progress” spot, or I’ll forget about it. That corner reminds me not to forget to… (which I would if I put it away). 🙂

  3. Who wants a perfectly organized home? Geez….what could we possibly complain about if everything was in its proper place? I love in organizied chaos…or chaotic organization – but i have learned to embrace it!

    1. Now see… YOU were one of the people I worried about. It always seems like you are a, and I mean this affectionately, completely organized perfect detail person! Everything in its place, the best hostess, AND you can cook and craft. It gives me 🥰 to think you sometimes have chaos, too!

  4. Sometimes organization can be overrated. Seriously…I bet you could come up with a great post with that underlying theme. Because I feel like being organized is in my genes yet I’m not spontaneous and you don’t see a dog in our life yet (yes poor, poor me).
    I remember hanging out with my friend who had 6 sisters and brothers and that was the best time….chaos and fun!!!

  5. Okay. Stop. SPIKE??? Do tell.

    Ha, your post sounds like mine: ORGANIZED? WHO, ME? Ha. I started out sharing my most DISorganized categories…but there were too many of them…then I DID neaten my closet up, thinking I would share that, then I remembered I’d shared the closet not that long ago in our WBL: Closets post, so I nixed that.

    And I realized that I can be VERY organized as long as I can do it from my chair…as in the case of computer files. So…lazy begets digital organization.

    I hope FWH clears up soon!!!


    1. The worst of FWH ended today. 🙌🏼. Been a crazy six weeks!

      I had remembered the yearbook comment, but had forgotten all about the “Spike.”

      He’s the only one who called me that, but darned if I can’t even remember why…although I did have fun today inventing reasons. I think they’re likely better that the real story, whatever that was 🤷🏻‍♀️

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