Eye Candy for Everyone! A Mackenzie-Childs Photo Tour

Oh, man, am I in trouble!

You should never take an easily distracted person on a tour of the Mackenzie-Childs Store and Farmhouse the week before their annual Barn Sale.

I’ve never been to the Barn Sale, but I’m plenty tempted.

But should you take a candy addict to a half-price candy sale?

I’m being metaphorical (though, of course, I DO have a problem with real candy as well).But EYE candy….everywhere.

We live a nice Sunday drive away from Aurora, New York; the whimsically wonderful home base of the Mackenzie-Childs’ Factory Store.  We’ve visited a few times, and our latest trip was Mr’s idea.

Really…?!! What was he thinking!  He knows that as soon as I go there, I start forgetting the projects I was already procrastinating about and add new projects to bump the old projects further down the list.

Sorry, but that’s how I am.

Hmm? Pardon?

Did you say what’s a Mackenzie-Childs?

S’okay!  Those words also crossed my lips a few years ago.

I’d just painted a bees and ladybugs checkerboard game table for a school auction and afterward, a woman asked if I could paint a chest for her in the style of Mackenzie-Childs.

Crickets.  Zero idea what she was talking about.

Uh…a Mack what?

Hours later, after emerging from their “Rabbit Hole” of a website (a great phrase for “time burner.”..thank you, Jodie!), I was fully hooked on their iconic paint-dragged black and white “Courtly Check” (which is now also available in cream and white), and signature black and white stripes, all juxtaposed against colorful backdrops of flowers, butterflies, bees, trees, fish….so so so much to absorb.

It motivated me to paint/decorate a couple of MacKenzie-Childs-inspired mailboxes, here and here; make my own frame as a front-door wreath alternative; these cute file folders for our command center; and several bird houses I have in the yard.

I’ve also received a few pieces as gifts…but avoided the Barn Sale…their once-a-year fire sale with discounts of up to 80% on new, overstocked, and discontinued items and factory seconds.  Even for a cheap hag like me, that would be a wallet buster.

But if I ever went, this would be my most hoped for prize:

via Mackenzie-Childs.com

The Mrs. Powers Garden Gate, THE perfect reason to build that berry patch I’m always not building.  She could make it happen.

I love her.  She reminds me of my mom.

I have this Mrs. Powers Bell outside my side door…and loved it so much I gave one to my gardenista mom for her house.

via Mackenzie-Childs.com

I’m also fairly addicted to the rest of their birdhouses and garden stuff.  But just touring the store gets me thinking about the fun it would be to decorate INside in their whimsical style.

Here’s a peek at the store:

Sensory overload, amirite?

You might think it a little too over-the-top… I mean, how could you actually decorate with this checkered mania.

And then…you take a short walk down the path to an adorable Victorian farmhouse where you are beaten senseless by charming details everywhere you look.


And you haven’t even gone inside yet!!!


Thoughts of “I wish..” and “Hey, I could use that idea to make a…” start poking at your cranial inspiration center.

Enough of me telling you…

Here’s the living room/parlor:


The ceiling treatment in this library/reading/no-smoking/smoking room features a painted sky through the octagonal molding.  (Be sure to zoom in and check out Dude’s trousers.)


The cheery dinette:

Now that would make me serve breakfast in an apron, dress, and pearls.


The kitchen (also home to the candy jars in the first photo):


The first floor hallway….


that takes you to this second floor hallway.

I need to toss all the clothes out of Mr’s armoire so we can have a coffee station and mini bar upstairs like this one.  He won’t mind… I’ll get him some nice cardboard boxes.


And after I do that, he will probably suggest I camp out in another bedroom…which I could decorate like this:


Or perhaps I could put roosters on the posts of our bed….although he is not a rooster fan, so perhaps not.


The third-floor Courtly Check suite…  Super fun to look at, but if you spent any measurable amount of time here, would your eyes make you see checks everywhere for the rest of the day…like one of those optical illusion thingys?  I say yes!

Courtly check suite, mackenzie-childs farmhouse, cayuga lake, aurora



Ahhhh…much better!

Darling, right?

I really enjoy spending time in that house.


Which is not to say that I am not equally inspired by this

via A Well Dressed Home

or this

AvramRusuStudio via HGTV.com

or this

via interlearn.info

or this

via The Lodge at Glendorn


Completely different flavors of candy.

But I have room in my heart for Sponge Candy AND Swedish Fish AND Payday Bars AND Coffee Crisp.

I can love a lot of different design styles as well.

HOWEVER…  I am NOT a fan of black licorice.  Blech…just don’t feel it.  Similarly, in painfully honest disclosure–one that is blasphemous to true Mack-Chi afficianados–I am also not a fan of the lamp lady that greets you when you enter the farmhouse.

I do get it…she’s artsy and whimsical…but she kind of creeped me out enough that I forgot to snap a pic of the uber colorful and very lovely dining room.  Blame me…it’s a childhood mannequin trauma thing.

However, if you would like to crawl down the rabbit hole on your own time, here is the link to the Mackenzie-Childs’ website/store/blog.


People will come from far and wide for the 2018 Mackenzie-Childs Barn Sale.  And I will have fun following it on Twitter and Instagram using the likely hashtags #BarnSale, #BarnSale2018, #MackenzieChilds, and #courtlycheck.

If you won’t be traveling cross-state or cross-country to hit the sale, now is also a good time to visit Mackenzie-Childs.com.  They currently have a large selection of generously discounted items and gifts (some of which are also very generously priced, wink wink). They also have an equally charming blog.  (FYI, I am not an affiliate, this is not sponsored, and don’t have a discount code.   I just find it fun.)


Going forward…my list of projects that I will probably never get to I’m hoping to start right away has just gotten hopelessly long.

We’ll just have to see where the distractions take me.  Don’t blame me…it’s all Mr’s fault!



  1. I was in the flag ship store in Aurora NY twice this summer 2021
    What a disappointment
    They’ve turned it into an outlet store with very little creativity and not a ton of product
    M-C has sold themselves out. Where are the artists who made their products great?
    Too many imports at very high prices

  2. I have only heard of MacKenzie- Childs once before, and then through my bff from high school. She has several pieces. I love the quirkiness of the house and the MacKenzie-Childs items. Kind of a combo between Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland. Would love to have a tea cup collection like the one featured in the photo from the kitchen. So many pretty pieces, so much to look at.

    1. And how! Oh, you said the magic thing with Mary Poppins… Probably my favorite fictional character ever (although I’m sure that has a lot to do with Julie Andrews and the Disnification of the character). Anywho…the visit was much fun, and I think some days you can just use a little whimsy in your life. BTW, I saw the cutest stuffed Cacti at Spoonfower. They made me think of you!

      Thank you for visiting and for the comment!

  3. So much to comment on in this post, Em.
    First…let’s just agree that rabbit holes are fun. My mom will say she’s wasting time because she has so much more to work on, but I look at it as my pleasurable entertainment (especially when I purchase something…ha ha)
    Now I realize you said you aren’t an affliate or this isn’t sponsored, yet I think that should be another project for next year. Because your enthusiasm oozes from every word and photo in this post!! And then you could get that amazing gate!!
    It’s always good to keep piling on the projects…take it from me who has 3 knitting projects going as we speak. What happens if you finish everything? That means you’ve stopped dreaming. And I doubt that will ever happen!!
    Trust me when I say you had me at “sale”—-how adorable is everything? And I blame you for any future purchases (I kinda gave up my DIYing lately…LOL)
    I also had to laugh when you said it’d make you want to serve breakfast in your pearls. Maybe a more formal house would push us to dress up more?? Interesting thought….
    I love that little decorated round endtable in one of the photos. I have a plain one that I’ve thought about painting. Now that I’m being realistic, I realize it’ll never happen. At least not while I’m blogging. But it does give me reason to dream….
    What a fun filled post Em!!

    1. Fun? Those rabbit holes are half the reason I accomplish so little! Easily inspired, tragically unaccountable. I’m definitely spinning in a few different directions today. Time to dig in, right?!

      I HAVE been making progress in other areas…painted the basement and am now working towards the upstairs baths…and picking out new exhaust fans…so there’s an engaging post, haha. Besides, I think Bob Vila has that covered.

      Very impressed with your three knitting projects! Plus all the MANY other things you do… BTW, LOVED the pics with your mom today. Really sweet photos!

      Thanks for the visit!

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