D&D’s (Two) Sentence(s) a Day for June

6/1  At Jodie Filogomo‘s suggestion, I am going to try to write a sentence a day, EVERYDAY, for this entire month.  And lucky you!  It seems to be two-for-the-price-of-one month…i.e., I can’t quite fit things into one sentence!

6/2  I made the rounds at three of my favorite nurseries to help my mom pick out her plants for the season.  At 82, she always threatens to cut back her garden, then outplants me every year.

6/3  Love the arrival of warm weather and visiting the Niagara River at sunset! Across the river are the shores of Ontario, Canada.

Niagara River at sunset overlooking the Canadian (Fort Erie) shore.

6/4  We took “Bear” (the daughter who doesn’t like shopping) shopping for a new work wardrobe… I felt like I was playing paper dolls with a real person.  SO much fun to start her “professional clothes” collection.

6/5  Bear started her accounting internship.  I was so proud watching her go off to work looking like she stepped out of Pinterest 🙂  #proudmama!i

6/6  The mourning dove that has been nesting in my planters must’ve had a busy weekend, because there was company in her I’ll-just-drop-my-eggs-anywhere-that’s-handy nest.

mourning dove and babies nesting no-frills in an empty porch planter

6/7 I restrung my Pachysandra berm with LED lights I purchased at bargain prices the day after Christmas (more about that here)..boy, are they bright and sparkly!

backyard string lights, led lights, fairy lighting, pachysandra

6/8  As a thank you for driving more than 15 mph in a school zone,  I received a “special invitation” from a state trooper. (Truthfully, though, I’m grateful to the officer for the “friendly” reminder because that’s what I’d want for MY kiddos!)

6/9 Hubs took the day off today and we worked in the yard…I needed to weed out the back of the Pachysandra berm, trim off the willows,

and thin out the raspberry patch.  It all looks SO much better!

6/11 Can I just say how great it is when the kids help?  We’re trying to run a hose underneath the sidewalk and we borrowed some husky shoulders to help us “dig under it.”

6/12 My mom was feeling overwhelmed by her garden plans, so I went to her house to help.  Her wonderful friend had the same idea and we spent the whole day executing her plans (and I have the sunburn to prove it).

6/13  It’s way past time for my monthly closet cleaning, so today is the day.  My fall or winter bucket list will include completely renovating my bedroom closet..and maybe Mr.’s, too!

6/14  I ordered an area rug for the family room. Ahhhh, the cash register ringing the sounds of progress….

6/15  Had a fun shopping day with my mom…but we didn’t get very far: stocked up on some fun shorts and summer tops at Old Navy, then on to one of mom’s favorite stores: The Christmas Tree Shop.

6/16 Pretty much spent the day shuttling the youngest in the car…someone needs to take his drivers’ test!!!

6/17  I started a new stripping project today…love this table but NOT in orange!

Strip table and refinish

6/18  Celebrated Fathers’ Day with morning Mass, big family breakfast and an afternoon movie with the kiddos…then out for an early dinner with my pops and extended fam.

6/19 “Doesh” (oldest daughter and oldest child) had a birthday today.  I was thinking premium distressed jeans, she was thinking $$ toward new tires… “practicality” is a very good sign.

6/20  Sometimes it’s good to need a plumber; then you can sit nearby and catch up on your blogging. The $720 bill?  Not so much.

6/21  A day to remember in the Dirr household…today’s “everyday adventure” landed me here.

after setting summer bucket list goals, Em gets sidelined.

6/22  I visited the orthopedic Doctor, who gave me a surgery date for next Thursday, for which I already had afternoon plans.   I went home, rested, then swept the floor and vacuumed to prove to myself that I could.

6/23  It was dirt, stone and skidsteer morning…and I am reduced to being a spectator (I did say that Mr. needed an “able” helper…which for now is NOT me.)  Proud that my boys stepped up to help their pops.

6/24  A little side project has turned into Mr.’s big summer adventure…this “add-on” is about to become my favorite thing.  Look for a post on it soon!

6/25  I was frustrated watching all the activity, so I grabbed the snips and trimmed all the bushes by the pool…can you say crabwalk?

6/26  All the kiddos started their summer counseling jobs today…the house was remarkably quiet.   Hubs and I hit the sofas… well, he worked in the yard till noon, THEN hit the couch for an afternoon movie.

6/27  Everyone is back to work but me… light duty today…followed by parallel park lessons for Tee’s road test on Thursday!

6/28 It was a nesting day: set up the area rug I ordered for the family room, (yes, including furniture moving) and I’m ready to get my knee repaired tomorrow so I can get back to healing…and work!

6/29 Got ‘er done! ZZZZ.  And we have a new driver in the family…Yay, Tee!)

6/30  Today started as a good day…The rugs arrived for the outdoor room.  The nerve block from yesterday’s surgery kept me comfy…until it ran out…then, ouch.  Actually, I mean, OUCH!!!  (What a baby!!) 


See what fellow Sentence-a-day-ers did in June:




  1. Lovely to read about your exciting month, great garden pics and hoping your recovery is going well. This was my first month of joining in and I’ve enjoyed it and reading everyone’s posts.

    1. Hi, Deb!

      Sorry about the delay in responding! I didn’t see your comment. 😳

      Things are going well, thank you! I’m still making the rounds on both the bucket lists and the sentence-a-days. I am enjoying what I’ve read so far and looking forward to catching up on the rest…everyone is so nice and welcoming!

  2. What a month! Quite a bit to document… I started one sentence a day in January, and I really enjoy looking back at prior months…

    I love your mom’s garden! It turned out beautifully!

    I hope the pain from the surgery is getting a lot better and that your recovery is going well.

    1. Hello, Andrea!

      What a fun idea the sentence a day is…just to keep track of life! Really grateful to Jodie for “introducing me” to the concept and to all of you!

      I’m looking forward to reading all the entries this weekend.

      Thanks for you well wishes. It was really just one (horribly, awful, no good) pain day, the rest is very manageable 🙂 Grateful to be on the mend!

      I’ll pass along your compliments to my mom…she’ll be so thrilled with all the nice things people have said!

  3. Girl, don’t make me come over there and spank you for doing too much on that leg. Except I would be just like you, crab crawling to trim the bushes and all. I can’t sit still. Even for broken appendages.

    Yay, for successful surgery (and Tee’s license) and boo for your OUCH after the pain meds wore off. Hope you are feeling some better today And better each day to come.

    The garden you shared at the top is TREMENDOUS. HGTV-quality!! Is that your mom’s garden or yours? Gracious, to have a green thumb and a little rain now and then.

    Thank you for joining us, sweet friend. Looking forward to lots of blog posts from you as you mend.

    1. Hi, “mom”!

      Well, that crab walking happened while I was waiting for the surgery… I’ve been “good” since then (but OH, SO, ANTSY). Just one bad pain day, then the rest is just annoying but no big deal. Glad that part is behind me. Thank you for your kind wishes!!

      Looking forward to Monday, when I’m scheduled for some new swanky hardware. I just want to get rid of the itchy stuff so I can sleep!

      The top pic is Mom’s garden…she does NOT quit!!! Plants love her. I’m so jealous and keep hoping to acquire her thumb.

      Our yard is more shrubbery, stone, and container gardens. We focus on trees and landscaping. We’re always in over our heads, but it’s so fun when we’re done!

      SO, happy to have “met” you!!!

  4. What a month! I loved your garden photos and the dove was beautiful. I do hope you are recovering okay from your surgery. A new driver in your home – now the fun begins (worry!) LOL:) I look forward to your July sentence a day. I love reading everyone’s we all lead very interesting lives don’t we?
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    1. Thank you, Sue. It has been a wonderful bird year of us… so many orioles have discovered the yard, the goldfinches are everywhere, and we even had a cardinal nest in a tree right next to the house.

      Colorful and fun.

    1. Hi, Miri!
      I had my first outing today…after a week of “being good” it was wonderful to get out…and head to Jo-Ann’s for some fabric for my next project!

      Thank you for commenting and for the well wishes!

  5. So you come by your green thumb with your genes!! How cute your mom still loves gardening!! My mom always likes having plants in the house and my job growing up was to water them. Maybe that’s why I hate it now. Besides the fact, that my husband and I killed the mint last year. And everyone says you can’t kill mint!!
    I still can’t believe you hurt yourself so….but I’m hoping you are on the mend. But I’m laughing that you remembered to get a photo in the ER—now that’s a good blogger!!
    I thought I was busy, but girl, your family is incredible!!

    1. She’s amazing: Plants it, it grows! She has the perfect spot for any random plant and they love her for it.

      Funny about the picture! I was laying there thinking…”what am I going to do sitting around for the next several months,” and one of my kids said, “At least you can get back to blogging.”

      God closes a door (with plenty of help from me) and opens a window 😊🙌

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