Here we are at week 7, the final week of my Dining Room project for the One Room Challenge. (I updated via Instagram for Week 6, but didn’t make a post for the blog, It …
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The Hidden Post – Week 5
I’m not sure HOW hidden this post will be, but it’s a quick one, that’s for sure! The rules of the One Room Challenge are to provide weekly updates, via blog or Instagram. If you …
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That time I did what I said I’d do – ORC Week 3
Can we just take a moment to absorb… I said that this week I would show you the completed buffet, and–Yay–I’m actually going to. Promise kept. It’s been a busy week, for sure. My little …
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ORC – Week Two
ORC…I’m here hoping you read last week’s post. Otherwise, you might be expecting a photo of a creature from Lord of the Rings. This is Week Two of the One Room Challenge…. Oh, that ORC. …
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You signed up for WHAT!!!???
No, I wasn’t drinking. And I’m not sure if women my age even get hormonal, so I doubt that’s it. I’m pretty sure it’s because the last of our kiddos is escaping exiting the helipad …
Continue readingThe Case of the Shiny Penny
Bless my friend, Bettye @Fashion Schlub, and the other participant friends of Where Bloggers Live for keeping my space open so I could come back today to enthrall you with “How I Do….” How you …
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That time I didn’t go overboard…
…is now. If I were a NORMAL person, I probably wouldn’t think of the following four words as the kiss of death: “Did you make that?” But hearing that well-intended, perhaps even complimentary question sends …
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Gentlemen, place your bets!
I have a DIY list. I have the ideas. I have the tools. I have the supplies. AND.. I have a track record for procrastination justified by endless excuses. The last time I published a …
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The living room, the poem, the bag and the bench
Welcome to the time travel post. Today, we’re hopping into the Way Back Machine…to revisit our first home, We’re headed back to a time when the amazingly crafty Carol Duvall was the queen of HGTV… …
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How I spent a few weeks in the bathroom
Wow, what a crappy title for a bathroom makeover post. (Although the jokes do just write themselves.) Remember back in June when I whined about working my tookus off (and showed proof that I had)? …
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