With apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein…

Tune up those vocal cords…it’s time for Blogger karaoke!

This month’s “Where Bloggers Live” team is sharing: “a few of my favorite things.”

Favorite things… maybe I’m a little moody these days, but I’m reluctant to find many “things” that I couldn’t live without.

The Halloween dudes are up, and they’re fun. Christmas is a-comin’ and with it all. those. decorations…which I do enjoy. But with the exception of all the family photos displayed in the back hall ,…

hung around the house, or stored in basement bins, everyTHING else feels kind of “meh” right now.

Hmmm, if i wasn’t feeling moody….what would I pick?

Maybe the grandfather clock we bought for our fifth anniversary….

Of our furniture, my favorite things are my Craigslist finds… like this dresser and chair in the back hallway….

and our gateleg tables (can you spy one in the picture above?). I use them everywhere and love how they’re expandable for holiday company.

But right now, I feel like everything is “stuff.”

Replacable, forgettable. Stuff.

If the house were on fire, I guess I’d be running around grabbing all the pictures.

chimney fire
Never a good day when you see this out your front window,

Well, actually, the house WAS a little on fire last spring, but that’s a WHOLE other story. And no, I forgot all about the pictures in the “heat” of the moment (see what i did there?) Instead I was doing mask checks on the firemen…yes, really.

Maam, your chimney is on fire and we need to come in.

Ugh, do you HAVE to?

Yes, because we enjoy risking our lives for uncooperative victims.

Fine. But but I’m going to need you to put on a mask.

Lady, are you freaking serious?

Apparently, our tale is a hoot in firefighter circles.

How do I know this? Because it accidentally made it’s way back to us.

Despite all of that hooha, I DID compile a list of a few of my favorite things.

And for your reading pleasure, I have taken it upon myself to set it to music… or rather, to borrow the music from a tune by the same name that perhaps you may have heard a time or two.

And that picture, gosh I always wanted to be Julie Andrews.

Here are the lyrics, Press the arrow below to sing along!

Where Bloggers Live

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Over the next few months, a group of seven bloggers will be sharing their workspaces, their homes, towns and more!

Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!

Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Em at Dust and Doghair
Julia at When the Girls Rule
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After


  1. THAT SONG! Ha, BRILLIANT! And Damn You, as I will now be humming it all day.

    Yeah, pictures. I love your photo ledge gallery wall. I’ve longed for something similar but never seem to have the right spot. Or all those frames. Or pictures printed. My big photo display is a couple handfuls of photos stuck in an old planter on the – oh snap I can’t think of the word…not “runway”… ugh I hate when this happens…LANDING STRIP, ha ha, so close, anyway…that’s where I have a bunch of photos for my theoretical guests to rifle through when they come over.

    Plus, I feel like we need to hear The Whole Fire Story. Maybe we should do a “Very Special Where Bloggers Live: Damage & Destruction” episode. I’m sure we’ve all had THINGS.



  2. Oh, how I can relate to this post. I am really not feeling anything right now. When I realized we had a post due, I thought I would run around and snap pictures of things in the house…and I did take a few. But then I realized those are truly just things. And most everything I love most is a person or an animal, a feeling or activity. Sometimes, those revelations are the best part of blogging.

    Want to share your family photos on the floating shelves with my daughter. We have photos on table tops but they take up a lot of room that way. And the kitties are forever knocking them over with their acrobatics. Lauren wants to start putting family photos out and I think she would really like the way yours are arranged.

    So enjoyed your clever lyrics. How boring would life be without dog hair and bath tub rings, though? What would we do with all that time that we now spend sweeping up and scouring?

    Aren’t you just done with this virus? Today has been one of my hardest days yet. Some tears, some stomping and complaining, and eating ice cream I needed like a hole in the head. Our cases are breaking records daily. 546 new cases today in El Paso. Sick of it!!

    1. Well, Leslie! Your comment pretty well sums it up for me! We continue to be very strict about what risks we take…and it is really hard on everyone. I know I should dig in and “Mary Poppins” my way through this….and most days I do, but sometimes it all just GETS to me. Add in all the political craziness and everything just feels heavy and exhausting.

      Those shelves are one of the best projects I’ve ever done… My kids are putting them in their places as well (Ikea sells some pretty reasonable ones in black and white if you don’t want to build them). It’s great to be able to swap them around as new pics come in.

      Your numbers are definitely scary…I just wish our governments would add some useful info along with the tallies so we could make informed choices about what we are risking and/or sacrificing with our activities. Age ranges, types of places where local people are being compromised, etc. Our local numbers are now about 90% less than yours, and it took a long time to get there. But the lack of detail is still astounding. Hope EP turns it around, soon! Stay safe!

  3. Well done, Em! I had no idea this was y’all’s theme when I titled my Thursday blog with the same title…unintentional plagarism (sp). It’s a useful exercise to think what you’d save in a fire, too….

    1. Hahaha, great minds, Mary Katherine (and not mine, it was Bettye’s idea)! I am looking forward to reading yours.
      I have to go reorganize my blog subscriptions. I’m missing out on too many posts from many of you… I have a hyperactive spam filter. (Been loving your tartans, btw!)

  4. Great new song! And those are a few of my favorite things too. I do so love the way you have your pictures displayed. Mine are hung on a wall so I’m limited at how many I can actually display. You can easily add/change yours. I also love your ‘old’ hall chest/dresser. I always love “old” furniture much more than new.
    Oh, and my mother was Mary!
    Grace & Peace, Iris

    1. She was?! I have to say, when I was little and there were five Marys in my class, I loved pretending with different names. But I loooove my name now. I just never associated it with me, haha.

  5. ONLY YOU!! Only you would come up the funniest lyrics to the song like this. (As for the bra thing…I have a post one of these days I’ve been researching that you’ll enjoy!!)
    And seriously about the firemen?? OMG, all I can say is only you!! Maybe that should be your new nickname.
    We need more of you in our lives Em….the laughter is missing most days!! Heck, even the name of the post was hilarious!!!
    What I need to remember when we meet up is to be wearing my Depends, because I’ll be laughing so hard that I’ll be peeing my pants!!

    1. Hello, bright spot! Thank you for your happy, fun comment! I never know if I should or shouldn’t “go there” when these monthlies come up…sometimes I feel like I’m cheating a little. I just read Bettye’s suggestions and something pops into my head. I used to do those little song parodies for various occasions… they were fun… and this tune is so easy, I’ve used it before.

      The firemen…yeah, that was crazy. We were in the process of a very fun game and we were all together. Then people are banging on the front door…and we wouldn’t answer… haha. YIKES! Just got the fireplace fixed and inspected, but I’m a little nervous about using it.

      Thanks, Jodie!!!

  6. Funny! You always wanted to be Julie Andrew’s? My college roommate did too! Is your name Martha? Ps my kids have never seen the sound of music because of my trauma! No joke!
    Btw if you are Martha, hi and how the heck are you? What have you been up to???

    1. Hello, Vee!

      I’m no Martha by any means, haha. I’m actually a Mary. Really. More like the biblical Martha’s sister Mary who would rather listen to stories than clean (or in my case, write them than clean)….but it’s actually my given name, as well.

      Did your Martha sing non stop and that’s what brought trauma to the SoM? A tragedy. In that case, I was no Julie Andrews. But her voice….. My first connection was Mary Poppins and my second Maria von Trapp. And I know they are characters in movies that I love…but in my head they are intrinsically linked to her. WHICH…is why, as an adult mother of four on her first trip to DIsneyworld, I encountered “Mary Poppins” and actually burst into tears at the first “live” sight of her. She was Mary and Julie rolled into one at that moment. One of my happiest non-family memories.

      And yes, perhaps I need therapy. Haha!

      1. Omg, her first name is Mary! No joke! Too funny!
        She sang all the time. Not a bad voice but no Julie Andrews! And she had the 4 roommates perform at parties! It wasn’t all bad, she was a nice girl. Ay yi yi the memories.
        Have a good weekend!

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