The Song Butcher

It’s one of my favorite dreams:

There I am, backstage in a packed concert arena. Thousands of excited fans ready for me to take the stage. The music starts, the crowd goes wild. The announcer bellows, “And here she is… Let’s welcome to the stage…”

and then I wake up.

Every single time.

I guess the same mechanism that wakes me from the verge of death in a nightmare considers it a fair tradeoff to similarly pull the plug when I am on the cusp of dream-induced fame and fortune.

Then again….MAYBE I wake up as a protection from something else: like, utter embarrassment.

via a lazy google search

Because as in real life, dreamlike famous-musical-artist me might, in fact, be a SONG BUTCHER.

Sing along with me:

“She’s got electric boobs, and motor shoes. You know I read it in a magaZEENah, ooooh-h. B-B-B-Benny and the Jetsssss”


“Rocket Man, we’re runnin’ outta booze up here alone”

“Come-a, come-a, come-a, come-a, come-a, come-a Chameleon”

A little Michael Jackson:

“Keep on, for the post op. Don’t stop ’til you get enough.”

Or these favorite lines from “Build me up, Buttercup”:

I’ll be home, beside my Xylophone, waiting for youuuuuu”

When I’m home alone, I often call up some of my Spotify playlists and belt out those private lyric mutilations for my own and resident canine enjoyment.

I have indeed become my parents because I’ve either forgotten the correct lyrics, can’t hear or understand them (sorry, Ariana Grande); or just don’t care anymore if I mutilate them. And trust me, it used to make me insane when people botched lyrics. I’ve passed that gene on to my youngest son, btw. It’s actually hilarious. You can see it in his eyes. He struggles SO hard not to correct me out of respect, but it kills him inside. Trust me, I COMPLETELY understand. Bwahahaha.

Mutilated lyrics are not only MY thing…there’s an actual term for it…”mondegreen.” As further proof, Mr and I discovered these mondegreen coasters in a gift shop over the past weekend. I spent 20 minutes in the gift shop laughing like a loon (which drew an audience of its own) while reading through all of them, They DEFinitely came home with me. Great gift idea, btw… (And there’s no affiliate link. I write the posts, not shop for you…geez!)


One of my favorite mondegreens–rediscovered while writing this post–comes from “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”:

The girl with colitis goes by.” hahaha…so my humor.

Another music requirement is to turn up the volume until I can’t tell how off key I am. This way, in my head, I’m Celine Dion (while in real life, I’m backyard cat).

Gosh, I enjoy music. Pop, standards, musical soundtracks, a little country…a little of everything. Nothing can set a mood better than a wonderful song. It stops you and invites you in…for happy, for love, for all kids of emotion. I can thoroughly feel my parents warmth when Wynnona Judd sings “All of that Love from Here”.….and while the lyrics beyond the first stanza don’t apply, I will always wish for a nice slow dance with Mr if at anytime Garth Brooks’ “One Night a Day” is in earshot.

I love lyrics, the craft of them (which is somewhat ironic considering how often I butcher them). But wow, I have such an appreciation for the cadence and the way a good lyricist can put a rhyme to the rhythm and make it fit when it shouldn’t. It’s something that wouldn’t work if you simply read it, but put to music…whoa, a whole other deal, like the lyrics in One Last Hope from Disney’s Hercules. (“excuses/Zeus is. merchandiser/advisor. It takes more than sinew…comes down to what’s in you”) Try it… the read is an entirely pale experience compared to the listen.

It’s the upbeat songs that shape my regular day. The bopping. The beat. Some day I’ll likely be caught retail dancing on a viral video. Has this ever happened to you…you’re traversing an Old Navy with a collection of $12 tees shirts on your arm, and suddenly Whitney Houston is piped out of the speakers making you “Wanna Dance With Somebody.” I resist, but some day, I will lose what’s left of my inhibitions and dance when I feel like it.

I have lots of playlists on my Spotify account and they are day changers. HOWEVER… a terrible thing happened in the last year. My family worked from home.

No blasting music, no concerts for pets, no “who cares what the words are, I’m singing them anyway.” No Whitney, no Earth, Wind, and Fire, no Petula Clark, Rick Astley, Supertramp, James Ingram, Eye of the Tiger, favorite church songs, or musical soundtracks.

I clean better when blasting Billy Joel, Dan Hartman, George Benson or whoever pops up on my shuffled playlist. It makes me forget how much I don’t feel like cleaning. And yes, I not only sing, but simultaneously offer my best Elaine Benes-esque dance moves as well.

It’s quite a spectacle, trust me. (The dogs are sworn to secrecy, btw.) It’s just not the kind of show you can put on in front of your family without traumatizing them. As of May, all residents of this house returned to their offices. And so…

…I’m back (do do do) from outer space (do do do),
If you we’re here, I’d see a queer and puzzled look upon your face.
Because I’m changing all the words
From what they’re really s’posed to be.
The house is empty, so I’m belting songs for doggies and for me.
Go on now, go (do do do), so I can clean (do do do)
I need adrenaline… and a little dopamine.
I could’ve looked up all the words and then I might’ve got ’em right,
But let’s just say that’s not the kind of thing that keeps me up at night
Go on now go….

Okay, well, that was fun. For me, ha ha.

I hope I didn’t let down my “Where Bloggers Live” friends! We were tasked this month to share our tastes in music. I DO love music, SO many different types and so many amazing memories attached to songs that I wouldn’t know where to start. Actually, I’ll always start with “Beyond the Sea” (first dance at our wedding). Or maybe “September,” which once caused my friends and a much younger me to crank the radio, exit the car at a stop light, and joyously not care that we were in the middle an intersection. (DO NOT TELL MY CHILDREN.)

If you’d like to hear some of the motivating/happy music that I play while trying to get my work done around the house. you can access my Spotify playlist here.

If you’re inclined, I’d love it if you shared a favorite song below. Then be sure to see what’s on everyone else’s playlists by visiting:

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Em at Dust and Doghair
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After 
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live, the brainchild of FashionSchlub’s Bettye Rainwater.  It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Join us every second Friday of the month as this group of six bloggers shares their stories, spaces, homes, and more!

Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. I love you. You are so clever to create your own lyrics to popular songs. I don’t know the correct lyrics but haven’t the creativity to create my own version. So I just mumble a lot. A lot.

    I am glad you are back to singing at home while going through your day. Last year cramped everyone’s style in one way or another. I liked having PC sitting at the kitchen counter working online from home until I wanted to do something I wanted to do and he wanted me where he could see me.

    No one has ever asked me to sing. But I am Whitney Houston or Celine Dion in my head, too. Can we both be Celine? I turn up the music nice and loud and blame my neck surgeries for the notes I can’t hit perfectly. And forget that my dad asked me not to sing when I was a little girl…long before any neck surgery!!

    I say again…I love you. I love your writing, your messages behind the humorous words. You could never ever let any of us Where Bloggers Live gals down. You are a blessing.

  2. This is hilarious. I’m always struck by the meanings of song lyrics… I’ll sing along and then suddenly actually pay attention to what I’m singing and just about die.
    Checking out your playlist too!

  3. Mondegreen! That’s hysterical. And a new one on me. They’d probably make great graphic tees!

    I can only sing in my car. And I LOVE to sing. I’m okay if the song is a comfortable key for me but I don’t have a lot of range. But I won’t sing (above a whisper) in the apartment cuz Landlords. They’re probably ALREADY like WHAT IS SHE LISTENING TO DOWN THERE ,,, I don’t also need AND NOW SHE’S SINGING, TOO!?!


    This theme was actually more challenging than I thought it would be. It’s so encompassing and hard to edit down to just a few songs!

    xoxo Bettye

    1. Love the graphic tee idea! Genius!

      I hope you have nice landlords, because they have a super (and considerate) tenant. I would likewise feel a little funny if I thought I was in earshot. On the flip, my daughter (who sometimes struggles with anxiety) sings in the shower and I just love hearing her through the floor 🙂 Makes me feel like she’s happy and stress free when she does!
      Thinking how happy BTS makes you…and that makes me happy, too. I’m going to have to ask for a few of your faves to check them out!

  4. Well my goodness – you do light up a room. Made me a bit tired just listening. You already know my favorite songs – and most of them are jumpy, but in a very different way. Thanks for sharing your inner you.

  5. I had NO idea there was such a thing as mondegreen. Hilarious.
    I will never forget when my friend started singing “Reverend Eugene” instead of “Forever in Blue Jeans”.
    Only you would find a way to incorporate so much humor into a music post. That’s exactly why I love you!!!

    1. “Reverend Eugene” hahahaha, that’s a great one (which became my earworm yesterday)! I really enjoyed everyone’s posts! Yours was very special…although with such a musical hubs, I was suprised by how other music isn’t part of your daily life. Then again, books aren’t a current part of mine, so I guess we get to choose what we make time for…and I know you are one busy lady!

  6. My dad was a classical music lover. He used to crank it up after us kids were put to bed. My mother loved Eddy Arnold, Al Martino, Dean Martin, and others of that era and show tunes. We used to listen to them while helping Mom with chores around the house. I was from the Beatles era. All these genres run through my head and my heart. I love to sing out loud, singing what I believe are the lyrics or making up my own. I have to admit I don’t care if my family hears my awful singing. I also sing at church, after all God gave me this voice and who would deny him the chance to hear it singing his praises? I sing in my car, with the windows up, of course. Many people do. I don’t inflict my singing on others. They have their own music running through their mind, or are singing in their cars while their windows are up. More power to them.

    1. Atta girl, Eileen! Gosh I love that you just go with it… the only time i really let loose is at home or in the car.
      I’m also getting happy memory triggers from the lovely ones you just shared. Of the tunes coming out of my parents huge magnavox on the weekends, roller skating and singing with my dad, my mom singing around the house to Kenny Rogers…and Johnny Cash. Eddy Arnold had the smooothest voice!
      I absolutely used to sing with our kiddos when they were much younger… and love your vocal stewardship! Great reminder about His blessings.
      Love these post ideas of Bettye’s. They inspire really fun convos!
      Thank you for adding to it in such a thoughtful way.

    2. Well! You just gave me the best start to a beautiful day. I had a great belly laugh while reading this and realizing this was all about me, and I am sure all the other girls our age feel the same way.
      Thank you!
      Diane Murray

      1. That’s a welcome thought to take on my day, Diane…thanks!
        So many ways to explore a post about music. Truly loving how, for most, music really does shape so many great experiences! Thx for commenting (and Im looking forward to exploring your Etsy store!)

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