I Have to Share?!!


Decorating decisions..? No, I don’t mean those.

How to grow oranges in a cold-weather climate? Nope.

Writing posts on those topics is a breeze compared to this one. Because….sharing.

You know I’m not a great sharer when it comes to the personal stuff. And, do you care? Do you even want to know? Would it make us better friends?

Hmm… maybe it would. I feel like I “know” the bloggers I follow the most. I know all about Jodie‘s family; Leslie‘s new granddaughter; Bettye‘s daughter and BF, Kristi’s husband and pets. That knowledge and the exchanges we’ve had, first through commenting and eventually via emails, has resulted in what I consider to be actual friendships. And I’ve already learned a lot about the other women from the “Where Bloggers Live” collab.

So what do you know about me? That I love to make stuff but I’m a nightmarish procrastinator. …That I can turn the most minor decisions into major life events. Annnnd that’s about it.

Maybe you assumed we were in the witness protection program.

But this is the internet…a very scary place. And once you post something, it’s “out there.”

So, please understand what a stretch this is for me…because the theme of this month’s “Where Bloggers Live” is “who you love on Valentine’s Day.”

I considered writing about the dogs…(I do love our doggos).

I also thought about something else dear to my heart. Hello, Gorgeous:

But when it comes down to it…this has to be about my family.

I’ve reviewed, tweaked and edited what I’ve written here and it’s pretty much lacking in my usual sarcasm. I’ll have to follow it up with a post about the love notes I leave around the house….like “do any of you adults need instructions on how to replace a roll of toilet paper?” or “This is a dishwasher. Those things above it are what you put IN it. When there’s no more room, turn it on.”

(…keeping it real lest you think this is some fairy tale.)

“So,” she said, taking a deep breath before jumping off the cliff, “Here we go.”

This is one of my favorite family pictures, circa 2001. You’ll currently find it on the gallery wall in our back hallway.

From the left is Mister, Doschie, Buck, Bear, Me, and T. And the she-mouse, of course.

Aside from “Mr,” the names above are the ones we most often use to address each member of the brood. They have given names, but hey, I’m sharing….so I’m telling you what we actually call them. The picture is from our very first BIG family vacation…and my first ever trip to Disneyworld (when I inexplicably burst into tears while meeting Mary Poppins in person. I love Mary Poppins).

Sorry…back to Valentines.

Mr is my valentine.

Mr collects no moss. He’s always on the move: up and out, on the go, finding adventure or making one. He’ll never take the last cookie, candy, or piece of cake. He’s the hardest worker I know. The man does not have an “off” button. Yin to my yang and all that. Most of the time he wants to be “doing something.” And when he suggests “going somewhere” I usually groan to myself that what he has in mind sounds kind of meh. Then I end up having a lovely afternoon doing whatever he suggested.

Generally speaking, he’s a remarkably selfless guy, and I think we forget to thank him as often as we should for all he does for us. (Wow…once the sharing starts, amirite?) This is a photo of him that I snuck on a recent road trip outside of Cleveland, Ohio. 🤣

We’ve road tripped a lot in recent years while following the boys (they will always be “boys” to me) in their sports adventures. Buck, now graduated and working, swam throughout high school and college…

and T, still in school, runs cross country and track (and the occasional road race). We’ll be heading to one of his meets this afternoon, and a Big Apple adventure next weekend.

T is the youngest, the personification of perpetual motion, wants to learn about everything, and it’s agreed upon in the house that he NEVER misses a beat with his humor. NEVER. EVER. When he’s home you can always find him walking around with a You Tube video playing, whether it’s a video game tutorial or something to clarify a religious concept. He worked all summer to buy himself a drone and has a website where he’s sold some of his footage. T introduced me to shopping via “Amazon Smile” as an additional way to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He has no shortage of character, is intense, compassionate, a peacemaker and a good friend (occasionally to people he dislikes)…hates yard work, and is our in-house “technical support.”

Buck is reliable, helpful, sincere…and the guy you DEFinitely want to bring to a wedding as your plus one. When there’s a project at home, he’s the first to put his hand up to help. He was key to helping his dad build the secret path when I broke my knee, and takes a lot of pride in the final product. Last year, with his swimming years ended, he spent a lot of time at home studying for the CPA and completing the requirements for his masters’ degree. It was a great year for me because he was home SO much. And even though I know he’s all grown up, I feel like we really reconnected over breakfast sammys and the chat time that came with it. Special.

Like their dad, the boys majored in accounting…

Bear is also a bean counter, and was the first to follow in Mr’s footsteps.

She is much better with people than I am, and also unlike her mother, always knows the right thing to say and better still, when not to say anything. I could tell you that I love when she sings (she had the lead in her high school musical and was the vocalist for a school jazz band) but she’d kill me. Sometimes I get to hear her sing when she thinks no one is home or can hear, and I make zero noise so it will last. She has a very edgy sense of humor and quick wit, loves art, crafts and decorating projects. She’s helped decorate rooms for sick kids, is always ready with a hug, and is the one I trusted to pre-read this because I knew she would tell me if it was okay.

Doschie is the oldest. She had an incredible vocabulary at an early age including please, thank you and excuse me’s at all the right places. The oldest child…the masterpiece, right? Meaning, she probably bears the brunt of our most fervent parenting efforts, discipline, restrictions, and inexperience. And yet, she survived us. She was a great caretaker growing up; the second mom. Doschie brings the fun; is remarkably laid back, has patience galore, and is a very creative kindergarten teacher. She LOVES her students, they love her, and we love her stories. She’s our television binge watching guide…and my in-house style consultant. She rarely leaves the house without kissing me goodbye and I love that she calls me everyday right after work with an update of her day. So sweet.

As our family has gotten older and their schedules varied and conflicting, the time we get to spend when we’re ALL together is treasured to say the least. Obviously, our nest is on the verge of emptying so we soak it all in whether it’s a sponteous dinner at home or a planned outing (scheduled weeks in advance, haha). Occasionally, we can grab a Sunday afternoon shopping trip…kind of a family tradition from when they were younger…and Mr and I just laugh at the banter that comes from the back seat. And keeping it real, there are plenty of days that banter turns to bicker.

Such was the case last summer, when we had our first family vacation together in way too many years.

We all love this picture that T took because this IS us and is pretty much where we perched every evening of our last four nights in Hawaii. We would race back to the hotel to watch the sunset (you can see it in the reflection in the windows above us). There, we’d pop a few frozen Red Baron pizzas in the kitchenette, and amend the meal with a couple of cold Kanaha beers and some take-out Poke from the local Foodland. We’d just hang…and talk…and bicker…and laugh…and hang. There wasn’t one of us who didn’t think for more than a minute about how blessed we are. For me…that picture represents Heaven on earth…not because of where I was (which was quite special), but because of whom I was with.

Jeez…I think someone’s chopping onions at my house!!!


Meanwhile….IF you’re still here….thanks so much for reading my life story.

The other ladies of “Where Bloggers Live,” have their stories to share, as well. If I haven’t already taken up most of your time, please visit:

Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Julia at When the Girls Rule
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers!
Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and areas? Over the next few months, a group of seven bloggers will be sharing their work spaces, their homes, towns and more!
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. This post was beautiful. I’m not sure when I’ve seen so much love pouring off a page – both yours for your family, and all of you for each other. It was lovely to read. So glad you didn’t hold back.

    And I understand why it’s scary. I didn’t even know there WERE horrible web pages like the one you described, where nasty people spend their time tearing others down. Honestly. Why!? Nothing better to do, or trolls, or whatever lame excuse.

    I think you’re very brave to share what you did. No wonder it shook you to find that horrible site. Makes me mad that such places exist, let alone have a following. Isn’t life hard enough without being mean??

    Your beautiful family post brought sunshine to my heart today. Thanks for sharing you and yours. You’ve got a beautiful thing, the circle of your people — and you.

    1. Wow! And you’re comment brought joy to mine. And let me say that on a day like today, with all this madness, I needed a little sunshine as well. Thank you.

      My “circle of people” — I just love that.

      Have a wonderful day…you definitely brightened mine!

  2. What a fun post. I love reading about your family and how you all interact with each other. I always find it so amusing that siblings can grow up in the same house with the same circumstances and be so very different and the same all at the same time {gosh, that’s a lot of “sames”}. But you know what I mean, I hope. Thank you for sharing your family.

  3. Sooooo, I know this was hard for you. But I am sooo thankful that you opened up to share this beautiful tribute and portrait of your family. You feel much more like a pal and less like someone I just know superficially.
    First of all, my gosh you guys are a handsome family. Nice to see Mr – I love how much taller he is than you. He looks protective standing beside and somewhat towering over you. And the difference in the length of your legs on the ski lift thing was fun to see.
    Together you have raised some pretty amazing children and created the warmest home for them to grow and flourish, banter and bicker in. How did T take that photo on the balcony in Hawaii, by the way?
    I am pleading with PC to take me to Buffalo this fall. We are supposed to be going to Boston but I am wheeling and dealing for a stop in Buffalo and at Ground Zero in NYC, too. Of course a day or 2 in both of those places would be ideal, but not sure he will go for that. Anyway, if by some miracle I am persuasive enough, maybe we could meet up for coffee or a cold adult beverage?
    Thank you, Em, for sharing with us. For taking this big step. Thank you for mentioning my new granddaughter and me, and most of all for being my friend.

    1. First… I would LOVE to meet up with you. I’ve even contemplated some kind of mid-distance meet when you travel to Ohio (of course I never asked you, haha). The trouble with visiting or traveling from Buffalo (by air) is the darn airfare. Getting to and from Boston and sometimes Florida is the least expensive option from here…but man, everything else! If you do get up this way, add Niagara Falls to your must do. Definitely something to see with your PC. I forget how lovely it is… I need to make that a future post.

      Glad you enjoyed “meeting” all of us…it turned out to be a most rewarding exercise in so many unexpected ways. I loved your comments (and forget sometimes how tall Mr actually is).

    1. Hi, Patti… and thanks. I’m glad they have tools to make a living in this crazy world. But moreover…just want them to be genuinely happy.

  4. Being real in a world of so much make-believe is hard and I so understand the desire to be protective of what is “out-there”. But, I will say that I did enjoy the glimpse into you and your family’s lives. The love and appreciation of your Mr. and the kiddos came through very clear. Thanks for taking the plunge and allowing us to share a little of your life!

    1. Hello, Tina. First, just want to say how much I appreciate that you take the time to comment when you visit…not that I’m pressuring you to do it every time, haha. But it really is nice to see that you’ve read my drivel AND still come back. 🙂

      My internet reluctance may be more paranoia, but. There are some who dissect everything, manipulate peoples pictures, use their own words to ridicule. I once stumbled on a terrible, nasty website that’s all about blogs…ripping them apart and shredding many of the “my life is perfect bloggers” as well as those that I perceived as genuine people who are just sharing the journey that is theirs. Poor Kristi is a victim of those hags. Not only does the site have followers, but pages and pages of forums with hundreds of participants that do nothing but shred. Who has that kind of emptiness and time? Honestly, it shook me.

      But…I’ve found just the opposite in my little circle, where people are affirming and supportive of each other’s efforts. Not that I’m not open to suggestions or criticism, but I’ve known enough mean girls in my real world.

      Also…my family has a work life and I just didn’t want my sharing to affect that.

      ANYWHO…sorry to turn this into a mini-post…haha. THAT’s why I’ve been weird about it. But this has been, overall, very positive! And you and the others have been very kind!

      1. I only follow a select number of bloggers—on purpose.  I choose women who I think I would be friends with if we were local.  This may sound arrogant and that’s not what I am intending it to be.  But our lives are so fast paced now, that I have little time to delve into the “Blog World”, so the time I do have for this is selective to blogs that I find interesting and the personalities of the blogger is someone that I enjoy hearing from.  And it’s interesting that you mentioned about me posting, because many times I have written a response to your post only to delete it, thinking that I’m becoming too familiar with you through your posts–kind of like a stalker.    I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but now that I’m called out on it, I can more freely respond to your posts–cuz, as a Southern girl, I ALWAYS have something to say!!

      2. Oh my gosh, are you me?
        I could’ve written this…(actually, I have…though not as well, but certainly would never have expected to be on the receiving end).
        Seriously, I’ve likewise held back commenting on blogs for the same reason. So, NO I wouldn’t think you a stalker…just that we’re developing rapport. Awesome!

  5. Oh, Em, this is just the sweetest! Your love for your family just pours out through your words…and I loved all the pictures! You clearly all have close and loving relationships with one another – that is a gift, indeed.

    And now I want heart-shaped pizza for dinner!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


    1. Well, haha, sometimes we are closer and more loving than others 😉, but they are all the lights of my life. Grateful to you, in particular, for the opportunity to do this and for your support, Bettye!

  6. Omg Em!!
    Actual photos. I’m in heaven. I’m re-reading this many times to taking the fact that I can actually see who you always referred to especially the in-house stylist. Of course your children have become such wonderful people, because you are such a wonderful person.
    I had to laugh that one of your children hates yard work. I can’t imagine how that came about. And I need to know more about the Amazon smiles. St Jude’s is one of our absolute favorite charities because we were blessed to be able to visit and tour around the facility. It is amazing in everything about it.
    And then the facts about you and Mister. That’s pretty much Rob and I in reverse. He would sit on the couch all day if I let him. In fact he’s always saying I’m interrupting his perpetual vacation yet I know secretly he’s glad that I do. (Although I’m not sure he would agree)
    Those same onions were being chopped in our house when Rob read your comment on our blog post…. Just saying. Because we always laugh that during our wedding vows he cried and I laughed….. That’s the usual for us!!
    Let’s talk about you. I feel like I know you yet I have only ever seen that one photo you gave us for this collaboration. It’s so nice to be able to put a photo in my head to the woman I call a friend. And you are so beautiful. I think you need to start doing a fashion blog!! And have I told you I have hair envy???
    So let me just say I’m so glad you shared!! (And do you really leave those notes around the house? Those cracked me up) at least now when we meet up I’ll know what you guys look like!! Because you know it’s going to happen!! Buffalo here we come!!

    1. Hey, anniversary girl! Thank you so very much for all your encouragement and your really kind words. Wow! I know I’m whiny and weird about all this stuff…and you guys are just so open and helpful. But I’ve definitely felt like I haven’t been entirely fair to the people who are nice enough to subscribe…let alone people who actually take the time to comment.

      But I’m especially glad to share with YOU and the WBL group. Hard to swim without getting in the water, haha.

      Yes! The notes are real. Oh, I’ve written so many…”this is a garbage can….it’s where you put the candy wrappers”. “Your used cup collection has exceeded its limit.” I’ll have to do a “best of” post someday…there are some doozies.

      You’re so nice about the pictures…since I was only posting two, i thought it best to pick good ones (which are otherwise rare). I’ll be leaving the fashion blogging to people like you who are actually qualified, haha…though I’ve thought of sharing bargain hauls from time to time.

      I do think we’ll meet at some point! Yes! Come to Buffalo! We’ll have fun…and pizza!

      Once again…loved your story today…and this amazing comment!!! Thank you!

      1. My husband can relate to that “you’ve exceeded the glass limit” one. Hahahahaha!!

    1. Actually, I don’t love having it “out there,” but I do love sharing it with you…and the nice people who visit here and have offered encouragement. I’ve always felt like a little bit of a sandbagger; like I’m taking and not giving.

      Grateful to be part of this group!

      Thanks, Iris!

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