“Her pictures are REALLY bugging me!”

I feel your pain!  They’ve always bugged me, too!


Last week, Hometalk featured my summary post about the overmantel project. (Everyone who is sick of the overmantel project, raise your hand.  Mine is also raised, lol.  I’m already on to the next thing(s).)

I’m grateful for the positive comments I received, as well as the constructive criticism…because I am NOT a decorator (lol, clearly).  Suggestions and advice are always welcome.

The big issue that kept popping up (again and again)was HOW LOW I’d hung our pictures!

Did YOU think that too?

That struck a chord with a lot of Hometalkers and led to some fun discussion:

via Hometalk
via Hometalk

In my opinion, each of the commenters got it right.  Believe it or not, I set the midline of the fireplace pictures at 65.”  I’m 5’6″ so they’re a bit above my eye level. Mr. D&D is 6’4″ so it really should be more like 70″ for him, right?

SO…what constitutes “eye level’?  And does it even matter in a tall box room?  And what about the adjacent wall where the TV is hung for comfortable viewing when seated?  Do the pictures on all the walls need to align somewhat?  Or at all?


These are questions that would keep me up at night if I were not an expert sleeper.

I don’t have the answers to any of them…and I invite your opinions and discussion below.  I still need a solution for the fireplace wall…and I’ve been mulling one over for a while now and really hope I can make it work.

Last Spring, when I tried my best to avoid enjoyed a visit from Amanda the decorator (see this post), she noted those pictures were just wrong for the space altogether.  I needed vertical, not horizontal. (Can I get an “Amen”?)  And not just little vertical…BIG!

Now, THAT would solve the problem…and there would be nothing “eye levelish” about it…unless you were Paul Bunyan.  (And that my, friends, believe it or not, is who I’m actually hoping will be in one of the two new pictures I’m hoping I can “make” for the room.)

I have some research to do…like how to make a huge picture from a small one without compromising quality.  Or how to fix the quality to make it usable.

Don’t hold your breath though…you know how long it takes me to finish a project I make up myself!!!

Until then…i think I will try to raise the TV wall pictures so they line up with the bottom of the TV (which, make no mistake, is the most important thing in the room, barring the sofa that we fall asleep on every night…zzzzzz).  Then I could–for now–raise the FP wall photos…perhaps even somewhat above “eye level”…whatever that is!



  1. Now that’s an interesting thought–to have vertical pictures. Or do you even need pictures on this wall? The fireplace is definitely the focal point—so maybe (at least for now) just take them down?
    I do think it’s fabulous to get other’s opinions like this. We all see things through different eyes and experiences, and how wonderful to be able to hear differing thoughts!!

    1. No pictures? Never even thought of that! I think you just illustrated your comment by giving me a suggestion I would have missed. I’ll have to try that. Thanks as always, Jodie!
      You always have a fresh viewpoint, whether on walls or clothes!

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