How it all began…

I’m pretty sure it all started with turtles….

When I was barely past the toddler stage, my mom would take my brothers and me to the neighborhood 5 and 10. For us, that was a Neisner’s, Murphy’s, or Kresge’s (where K-Mart came from). Yes, I’m THAT old.

In those days, before “stranger danger” was a thing, a mom could park her kids in the toy department and disappear to go have martinis in the bar next door with the neighbor ladies. (Just kidding, she was probably shopping for aprons and handkerchiefs, but she wouldn’t mind my selling her out for a cheap laugh…much.)

Eventually, my brothers would also ditch me, and I would join the other three and four-year olds who were staring at the turtle display long enough to name each of them and discern their identifying marks. Mom would come back three hours five minutes later, and the whining would begin until I got to bring home yet another turtle that was destined to the cruel demise that results from child neglect and frazzled parental decision making. Sadly, my first pets did not fare well.

As a reformed serial turtle killer, I am still haunted by the guilt of the suffering I likely caused those poor creatures…truly. Poor little dudes made it past the seagulls only to be forgotten in the pocket of a bratty four-year old.

Yes. YES I DO!!

Eventually my turtle days came to a merciful end.

I graduated to white mice, until one escaped and exacted a karmic revenge on my mother for the turtles’ suffering. I hear she spent a long time stranded on top of the washing machine while the tiny, red eyed creature patrolled the floor below while berating her in unintelligibly foul mouse speak for her animal cruelty.

Those are the earliest pet stories I can recall, as this month the “Where Bloggers Live” group regales you with tales of, well…tails.

I’m not sure I was even born when my aunt and uncle (the same uncle who gave be the pimpmobile) came back from a trip and gifted our family its first dog, but I suspect my mom wasn’t too thrilled with that surprise. Pepper was the first of three Boston Terriers that accompanied my brothers and me as we grew up.

Pepper 1 took full advantage of the small distance between his mouth and any food that was in my hand, and was–thus–a VERY stout little sausage dog.

via ouchmypancreas at

Pepper 2 received the proper care and affection typical of responsible pet owners. He was also introduced to a cute chick and sired a pup of his own (the little devil):

Paul, Pepper 2, me, puppy, Penny, and Jim
Puppy and bratty child who hasn’t changed her hair style in half a century

and lived a full life of happy, perky, gassy, whiny years…and crossed the rainbow bridge the day before my high school graduation.

Love the gray face of a senior doggo.
(Also, just kidding, I’ve had LOTS of hairstyles, including my Dorothy Hamill years.)

We were all broken hearted, but no one more so than my martini swilling* mom. Pepper was her constant companion and she was devastated, swearing that he was “the last one” because she couldn’t suffer the loss of another dog.

At 17, however, I was not ready to live a dogless existence, and full on-badgered my parents for months until they relented to my promises that I would take total care of it if we could pleeeeeeeeease have another dog…. pleeeeeease?!

Of course I was just about to start college, meet the boy of my dreams and spend a lot less time at home, but who knew?

So I greatly enjoyed the best of Duffy, leaving the trials of deworming to my mom, and chipping the poop out the ice in the driveway to my dad.

I only have one semi-handy picture of Duffy but I can’t use it because it’s of him and the guy who lived across the street from us. We took that picture because the neighbor looked JUST LIKE the dog and they happened to be sitting together on the couch…and because we were bratty. However, I’ve since outgrown bratty (somewhat) and so you will have to take my word for it. HE. LOOKED. JUST. LIKE. THE. DOG.

Humans and Their Dogs That Look the Same
This is a poor substitute. And isn’t even a Boston Terrier. See how I’ve grown?

Boston Terriers have pug noses and have difficulty with air issues from breathing to ingesting food. Hence, Duffy snored like an idling motorcycle and could make a single instance of flatulence last while walking from one side of the house to the other. The dog had skills.

NOT Duffy, but an exceptionally close facsimile, via Pinterest

Eventually, one marriage and three of four children later, I badgered Mr into a fluffy shih-tsu. Bailey was the sweetest little dog, docile as can be, was entirely undemanding and a great family pet (minus her stinky skin allergy and affection for eating her own droppings,,,yuck. “Here Bailey, give us a kiss.” Ewwww.).

Actual Bailey. (Did we even take pictures before we had cellphones?)

Also sprinkled throughout our early family history are adventures in carnival goldfish and hamsters which never ended well despite valiant efforts that may or may not have included mouth to mouse resuscitation.

But dogs have always been the thing for us, and we finally discovered how fun a big dog could be when we moved to this house and brought Kelly home one Christmas.

Poor Bailey. She was NOT happy when we added Kelly to the fold. Y’all met our Kelly Bean before:

Bad dog!
She was the BEST!!!

And after Bailey crossed the bridge, along came Jack.

Itty bitty baby Jack
Itty bitty grown-up Jack
Paint me like one of your French girls…

Roland is “our” pandemic dog who joined the family in 2020 via Maggie.

Small Roland
Big Roland (One of the reasons why I need to make a new ottoman)

And our big, sweet, Kelly crossed the bridge last year, cosmically arranging Allegany’s arrival.

Who keeps letting these dogs on the furniture???!!!

They’re a ton of work…..

Hence the blog name “Dust and Doghair”

And a ton of fun.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way

I shared this little story on IG last summer, and it seems a fitting end to this post.

*thanks, Mom, for letting me fictionalize you as a martini swilling barfly when in real life you’re actually a fun, extremely attentive, wonderful mother and grandmother (and Pepsi-drinking Girl Scout leader) who continues to dote on her children (including the bratty one) and–like nearly everyone==doesn’t read my blog.

Up for more pet tales? It’s raining cats and dogs today! Don’t miss the furry celebration and spend a few moments with:

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Em at Dust and Doghair
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After 
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style

Welcome to the monthly edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? Over the next few months, a group of six bloggers will be sharing their workspaces, their homes, towns and more!

Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. Well, I am in tears. I miss my pups so much. And seeing yours and enjoying their antics makes me miss them more. Someday maybe I will have another pup.

    What kind of dogs are Alleghany and Kelly and Roland? They remind me of my sweet Cheyenne who was as faithful a pup as pups can be. I know I would love romping in the snow with your dogs. I remember when Kelly passed over the Rainbow Bridge. And how very sad you were. We hurt so much at losing them because they love so much when they are living with us.

    Had forgotten our turtles. And didn’t mention a hamster that flat disappeared. They aren’t the same in my book as pups.

    On another note, I have had you on my mind today… the new owner of the company that built our disastrous pool came out with the former pool builder’s lawyer to inspect our mess today. We are waiting to hear if something might actually be done about this fiasco. Fingers crossed. I am still so touched by you sending that adorable tee shirt to me. And have not exactly fond memories of wearing it and protesting in front of the pool company one summer a few years ago. Love to you, my friend.

    1. Wow, Leslie! I’m stunned that there’s still hope!!! That the two of them came together is a really good sign. I hope it all works out for you at long last.
      I share your frustration because we were literally abandoned by our home builder after we had a huge problem with our house shortly after moving in. Wouldn’t even come to look at it for months. Fifteen years later we have $$ still in escrow and (it’s still less than what we’ve spent to address the problems over the years). In fact, you remind me that it’s time for my annual “return the escrow” letter. Maybe I should buy myself a t-shirt, haha. People who don’t stand behind their work suck.
      Hope you’re having fun with your dog charges! Great idea to get your dog fix! Roland (and Kelly) are Yellow Lab, shorthair, crazy, shedding, awesomely lovey, but very food-driven big goons. Allie is a Golden Retriever, and she is much more low key in general than Ro and Kelly were, but still pretty high energy and maintenance. Ton of work (as I’m sure you remember), but so lovey. Oh, the snuggles!
      Love right back atcha!

  2. Oh, I love all your dogs, but especially Jack. I’m a ‘little dog’ kind of person – whereas my husband had big dogs, but the little & the big got along fine. Love knowing where your ‘name – Dust & Doghair’ came from. It’s perfect.

  3. First, your mother doesn’t read your blog? I no believe. But I love that you sell her out in the story.
    Turtles?? Turtles aren’t pets are they?? And your guilt is totally in the wrong place. Shouldn’t it be more for selling out your mother, hahahahahaha.

    But I love not just seeing your pets from before, but also your hairstyles from the old days. AND your tales. You just know how to tell a story Em!!!
    PS. Pets are basically love in a bundle of fur and I remember weighing the importance of unscratched furniture vs, Tuffy. Obviously Tuffy won out!

    1. I think she forgot how to access it. I showed her a couple of times, but she’s really not a computer person and for some reason she doesn’t seem to process the whole blog thing. Not sure why, but that’s fine with me. She would probably bristle a little at my fictionalized account, anyway. Actually, only the people who live(d) in my house know I have a blog. SO…I get to be my weirdo self here.

      Oh the hairstyles! THAT would be a fun post someday. I’m going to have to start collecting my pictures for that!

  4. Oh gosh, Em, I forgot all about THE TURTLES! The little dime-store red eared sliders…and the goldfish I bought from The Paint Pot with my collection money when my parents dropped me and my friend Suzy (of Milk Bath fame) off at church and we snuck off to pet stores. Not sure how I explained returning from bible study with FISH, but…

    Oh. OH! Lil Jack! Ohmygosh he’s the cutest 🙂

    Plus HA HA HA HA thanks for the good time 🙂

    AND doesn’t it seem like girls who start life with bangs…have bangs all their lives?? BANGS GIRLS.

    You legit need to be writing for something SOMEWHERE (besides just here), it’s always a delight to read your posts.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Geez, I thought I replied to your comment! I really need to remember to hit that final “reply” button!
      Anywho, just wanted to say your comment made me feel so happy, Bettye. Sometimes I feel like I should be doing other less self indulgent things than writing….but I do like writing… and then I know that mostly it’s the five of you (plus one or two) who actually read the crap I write and I ask myself WHY I gave up the time (although I also forget to let most of the list know that I posted, so that never helps).

      I toy with letting my bangs grow out on occasion, but then I get frustrated and chop ’em off on a bad hair day (yielding a worse hair day)… but I keep hearing an old friend’s mantra play in my head… “at this age, it’s either bangs or botox

      BTW, anyone who can explain a sudden horse should’ve had ZERO trouble with a fish! 😘

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