I’m pretty certain this month’s edition of “Where Bloggers Live” is SUPPOSED to be about the state in which I live. (That happens to be New York, by the way.)
I drafted a nice article describing many of our favorite places from Buffalo to New York City.
But this week You-Know-What started hitting the fan.
College has shifted to on-line classes, T’s Outdoor Track season has just been cancelled. Members of my home tribe are stressing and/or dealing with workplace uncertainty.
And it’s a little scary out there.
So, I hope you don’t mind if I switch gears a little. Technically I’m still on topic. Bettye‘s post guideline, and I quote, is: “March 13: State.”
So…maybe we can engage in some group therapy while I share a little about “the state I’m in.”
That state is: all over the board.
My ear worm tunes alternate between “You Can’t Stop the Beat” (from Hairspray) to the chorus of R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It.”
I think that pretty much mirrors my feelings, which likewise alternate from “this is ridiculous,” to a low-key “it is what it is,” to “what if it’s THAT?!!!”
When a storm is coming, most Buffalonians know to head for the supermarket for the necessities.
But this is the toilet paper/paper products aisle from my local grocery store:

Not a square to spare.
(I don’t know what virus the paper hoarders are prepping for, but the one we’re concerned about doesn’t list THAT as a symptom.)
And the rice aisle at my local BJ’s Club:

Mr. has had to take part in a couple of webinars on the pandemic that of course has him focusing on potentials and worse-cases, versus my focus on probabilities and likelihoods. So we’ve spent the week prepping for the potential of six-adults coexisting in one residence full time for two-to-three weeks:

Reese’s Eggs, Gummy Bears, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, an assortment of Reisling, Dr. Pepper, and beer….you know, the necessities.
Not that we don’t have a modest stash of OTC meds and an an extra pack of TP…but if we’re going to come out on the other side of this with our sanity intact, there better be some perks hidden in the emergency kit.
I’ve also been spending the last few weeks planning a dining room project that I may tackle in the down time…at least that’s what I think in the few moments when I’m not worried about someone I love needing oxygen or respiratory assistance.
Despite the fact that Mr. and I are just a hair below the suggested at-risk age minimum, I’m fairly calm…except when I’m not. I’m not too worried for the kiddos…but I’m definitely concerned for my folks.
And then I think back to three weeks ago, when Mr. and I shared a boat ride (and handrails) with all these nice people from all over the world…

…including the lady in line behind us who was coughing her brains out…or all the hundreds of other people huddled in line (that were encouraged to “crowd in”) who might have been asymptomatic and therefore masking any NEED to be tested… Bottom line, I wonder if it’s mostly benign and u diagnosed…is that irresponsible?
Which resets my brain back to “it is what it is.” Let go and let God.
Be prepared, crack open a Shock Top, hope for the best.
Buffalo’s colorful late mayor–the source for the quote at the top of this post–inspired a beer scale to rate the severity of our snowstorms.

I’m calling this a Roll Out the Beer Ball Virus. But most people I talk to seem to think it’s just a Genny Pounder.
How are you feeling and dealing? Off the cliff….all in…cautiously optimistic? I feel a little of each at any moment of the day.
All kidding aside…stay safe and healthy, friends. I’m truly not taking this lightly and I AM trying to keep it in perspective. I know that fellow humans all over the world are suffering, or have lost loved ones…and people are genuinely frightened (me, too). I’m keeping them, you, and yours in my prayers.
If you could use a little distraction from the real world, check out the States of my “Where Bloggers Live” friends:
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Julia at When the Girls Rule
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After

You should have your own syndicated column. You are so funny!! I just don’t understand people. The toilet paper comment was hilarious…what virus are they preparing for? Whatever it is called, it hit me while I was caring for mom in Kentucky. Whew. Thank goodness, even in assisted living, mom is a TP hoarder.
Love your sense of humor!
Well, if you see my sense of humor out there, please send it home. Yikes, what a couple of weeks.
To be sure, your comment brightened my day, which has been somewhat clouded by my current role as peacekeeper and negotiator.
I was worried about you while you were on travel…for your mom, of course (been there somewhat; though not to the extent that you are), but for you personally being separated from PC and your kiddos and having to travel.
SO grateful you were back in time to see and share the poppies! What a blessed sight.
I’m a librarian, we come in contact with a little bit of everything. But I’d rather not, if it can be avoided.
I think what really concerns me is the rush on hand sanitizer and toilet paper. What were people doing before? And who are the people who’re complaining about their skin drying out from washing their hands? Were they not washing them before? Have they never used lotion?
Also, I think the fact that other countries are reacting the way they are should be an indication of the seriousness of this virus. Entire countries are being quarantined. I seriously doubt that this world is so easily swayed that they would all agree to hype an illness… *shrugs*
So agree. I can’t comprehend the masses out partying here this weekend when there are already confirmed cases in our county.
So worried for my parents.
I get that people need to work, but the level of partying! Glad it’s now all shut down except for takeout.
Enjoy your puppy time!
The world is certainly In A State! I don’t know if other places are moving along as quickly as NY. I was considering an Instacart grocery delivery cuz I’m tired of going to the market… and the soonest delivery I could get was Monday morning – 3 days away! I checked on my niece’s address (it’s her account, she’s in SoCal) and she could still get a delivery in two hours!
I went to Target at lunch to pick up at Patrick’s Day goodies to ship out to my daughter, and it was the first “empty shelves” I’ve seen. And there were a lot of them.
So, have a nice hangout with your family and the Reisling and chips (!) and hopefully we’ll all stay well.
xoxo Bettye
Sorry to let you down on the post… I’ll finish the other soon. Just started running out of time here to do it properly.
Mucho big appetites will be home full time.. plus finding some of the supplies for hunkering. Then making sure my parents have what they need.
Just tried Instacart for the first time yesterday for both houses. Same reason as you. What a help. Both orders will come tomorrow.
The whole thing is a symphony of yikes and yeesh. But I hope all the prep and care gets everyone ahead of it…or that it turns out to be more hype than actual threat. Some of the new info is promising.
To me the question is what if the media hadn’t gotten a hold of this? While I’m not the biggest expert, it’s not much different than the flu and while some winters that gets a lot of press, it doesn’t cripple our experiences in life.
We need to use some common sense…it all starts with us.
And when I get stressed, I go shopping (luckily that can be an online thing). If you need anything, I’m happy to send you links, haha!!
Honestly, I don’t know the answer to your very legit question. I totally agree with everything you’ve said. And up until last week, was saying most of it myself. But so much is coming to a halt here.
I’m sticking to only
official sources because I agree that misinformation is everywhere. Politicians (both sides) and media aren’t helping and seem to be just fanning the flames and creating more panic. Yeesh.
We’re just following guidelines to help “flatten the curve.” Following the “ounce of prevention protocol.”
On the bright side…hunkering down with the fam for movies with a well stocked fridge ain’t the worst thing that could happen while the experts figure this out. Lol. We weathered some of our favorite snowstorms that way. 🙂