The best friends I’ve never met..

Five years.

Today is the fifth anniversary of our first “Where Bloggers Live” collab from October 11, 2020.

(Hey! Today is also October 11th.)

But, FIVE years!

Five years of due dates for monthly posts, which frankly, are the primary reason this little blog continues to exist.

Five years of:

-People Who Subscribed. THAT means the world to me…especially if you’ve read a few of my posts AND you. are. STILL. here.

-People who’ve left a comment. Until WBL, comments were SOOOO hard to come by. Maybe it’s a little narcissistic to feed off of comments, but I generally try to leave one after reading someone else’s posts, because I truly appreciate how much time it takes to make a post.

-People who’ve never left a comment…because that’s okay, too. You visited, you read. My numbers showed you were here, so no pressure! When I first started blogging, NO ONE was here! I wrote entirely for myself for a couple of years before anyone showed up. Thank you for showing up!

-This being my little secret place. No one beyond my own little family knows anything about dust and doghair other than what they see during their visits to our house. I am generally a keep-to-myself kind of person and greatly appreciate you giving me the freedom to tell my tales to you.

If you found me, there’s a good chance it’s because of these ladies:

There’s something special about each of them. We are all different, have different perspectives, lifestyles, experiences, families and priorities. I’ve learned something from each of them, and they have enriched my life over these last five years with virtual friendships that seep through our screens… They helped get me through Covid, shared their own stories, and helped me remember how fun it is to write.

I would be remiss to not single out Jodie…the friendliest, most welcoming woman on the internet. She was my first connection to this group, and the one who invited me into it.

Or Bettye, the brains behind the whole shebang. Bettye comes up with all the topics (and has them scheduled through 2026), sends out reminders, wrapups, and composes the graphic we share every month (and hasn’t complained that my picture is 5 years old, haha). She is also one of the bravest people I know…even if I only know her through a screen.

And Leslie, who coincidentally once lived about three miles from where I grew up in Tonawanda, NY. She is a lovely writer and an inspiring mama, wife, and grandmother who fiercely loves her family, and has embraced and redefined the retirement phase of her life with grace and a sense of adventure.

Iris: pragmantic, independent and wry, who I’ve designated as an inner voice calling out my procrastination and cheap excuses. Iris has a strong sense of family, past and present, and the stories of her beloved Chuck remind me to seize the day with appreciation for my own Mr, who does so much for me and our family.

Like me, Iris has a special Pomeranian friend. This is Koda.

Daenel has inspired me to see somewhat familiar things from her unique lens…from her “Style Imitates Art” challenges to her “from above” coffee shots.

And Sally…I have learned SO many cool things through Sally’s posts. I enjoy hearing about her birding/photography and nature adventures, and she always seems to see things from a fresh persective that I hadn’t considered…her “Best Advice” post was really profound.

In honor of our collective fifth anniversary, Bettye’s topic for the month is “Our Favorite Post.” I’ve had a lot of fun writing posts with our little group… but there are two that immediately come to mind:

I have to share!!!

This is a photo from my February 2020 post…shortly before life came to a screeching halt.

This was the first time I introduced you to my family, because Bettye’s prompt was “Who do you love on Valentine’s Day.” My family is my best project; the thing in life of which I am most proud. What a blessing it has been to be a wife and mother to this crew. It’s a post that makes me happy to revisit, like a little present to myself.

And, though not actually a WBL post, there’s this one:

Goodnight, Sweet Bean, when we lost our Kelly.

Woof (no pun intended), I bawled my eyes our writing that post. And while it still gives me the feels to read it, I love that post because my youngest son regularly tells me how much he loves that post…and how he semi-regularly comes here to reread it. That means a lot to me.

Little Kelly, our trash eating queen.

Actually, I have one other post that’s already one of my favorites, even though I haven’t shared it with you yet. I’ve been working on it for weeks, believe it or not. To date, I think I’ve read it 102 times, well approximately, and it really makes me happy. It has something to do with this:

Any guesses?

Tune in next week!

In the interim, please join me in celebrating five years of stories shared with:

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own  
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style 

Welcome to “Where Bloggers Live.” It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! 
Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? 
The second Friday of each month is when this group of seven bloggers link up to share their workspaces, 
homes, towns… or whatever our fearless leader, the fabulous Bettye, proposes.
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. Saved your post for last. Good thing, I couldn’t read anything else now with the tears welling up in my eyes. You have such a sweet, honest way of writing and loving and making everyone feel special. Pets and plants included. I would like to go back and reread your memorial post for Kelly but I would really be sobbing if I did. I can’t (easily) look at photos of pets we have been blessed to love and have lost.
    Thank you for the kind words you shared about my love of family. I would say the very same of you. Family is IT. Just like your pillow says, they are the best thing about the house that we call home. Even when they aren’t sleeping under our roof any longer.
    Thank you for being so special to each of the WBL gals. XOXOXO

  2. Despite the fact that you often provide the well-appreciated comedic relief in our group, your wonderful tribute to a well-loved friend really strung a chord with me. What a great remembrance. Thanks for sharing this again!

    1. Oh, those pets, Sally. They leave such an imprint on our hearts!
      Our Jack has been struggling lately and we are hoping to delay the reunion with his old friend, Kelly. It took him a while to rebound after she crossed the bridge, and he has finally started to bond with Allie.
      Like Jodie’s Monkey, he teeters and rebounds…
      I read everyone’s posts, but now I’m looking forward to going back and reading all the favorite posts.
      AND, JSYK, Miss Sally…You may not have been here all five years, but you ARE a big part of this blog-a-palooza and I am VERY glad you are!

  3. Oh.
    Em! You’re the FUNNY one! You’re not supposed to make me CRY!!!
    Damn you.
    It was lovely how you singled everyone out…even little Koda <3
    I'm so happy with our little group…and while I still can't believe we've been together FIVE YEARS, I'm grateful that we have.
    Happy Anniversary!!!
    xoxo Bettye

    1. I am happy about our little group, too! And YOU did it.

      There have been a couple of times in life when I’ve introduced people who were perfect for each other (not romantically, but from a friendship perspective). And when they clicked and became good, and, in one case, GREAT friends, I was so happy to have been a part of that.

      I hope you feel that way about our group. I had this little epiphany while reading your comment…because you are SO good at composition…and look what you did with all of us!

  4. I must have discovered your blog after Kelly because I don’t remember reading that…and I would definitely have remembered. There is nothing like a dog’s love…it’s just so all encompassing. My Jack, a Westie, is another doggie gourmand! He will eat anything that won’t eat him back. During that which shall not be named, he inhaled, swallowed, ingested an entire face mask. Now, how do I know that? Because as it was coming out the other end, someone had to pull it the rest of the way out…and it was whole! Crazy dog!

    You have a wonderful set of friends you’ve never met!

    1. And I count you among them!
      (Even though I don’t visit as often as I’d like, I DO read your post emails and they are always fun and intriguing!) For all of you, I tend to not let myself visit if I I don’t have time to leave a comment….weirdo that I am
      While being retrospective this week, I thought of how this adventure has led me to connect with others, You, Cathy in Missouri, Joanne, Vee, TIna and several others who’ve reached out and made a connection. I wish I had included that in my post.

      I liken it to the penpals of Back In The Day…how we made friendships through the mail and I would HANG on the mailman waiting for updates from them. And we had to HAND-write each of those letters,. Now, these crazy devises let us connect as often as we give ourselves the opportunity, from posts and IG. What a time we live in!

  5. Can you believe I teared up just thinking about Kelly’s post…I haven’t even gone back and reread it yet? We are constantly telling Piper that she is NOT a trash eating dog. Ask us how many times we’ve stuck our hands in her mouth on our walks to pull out what she’s found.

    And you are incredibly kind. Your words, and your humor. If there’s one person who I know who will make me giggle –it’s you. AND THEN, you go and talk about Kelly and make me cry instead. Who are you and what have you done with my amazing friend, Em?

    So glad we’ve “met” and one of these days, it will be in person.

    1. Always keep ’em guessing! Haha

      Oh the pet tears… I know you are going through it with Monkey…and we are currently teetering with Jack. Piper has a loooong time ahead of her, but like any loving pet owner, we go there and think about it way in advance. .Allie is only three, but I even occasionally look ahead. A disease of love.

      I know there’s a meeting in our future… and am looking forward to it! It must’ve been a blast to connect with everyone via your Forever Fierce group!

  6. Oh Em, you are too kind! I loved reading your entire post – and seriously loved Koda’s picture! And, the reference touched my heart. You write quite well!

    1. Now it’s YOU who is too kind, Iris. 🥰

      I think it’s so cool that we have the same kind of pupper… and I suspect that Koda is as much a part of you as Jack is to me.
      I’ve been approached by several people in the last couple of months who are pom owners and they all ask “are you his person?” before relating who their pom’s person is. Hope your little guy is having a good day today.

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