Bless my friend, Bettye @Fashion Schlub, and the other participant friends of Where Bloggers Live for keeping my space open so I could come back today to enthrall you with “How I Do….” How you …
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I Have to Share?!!
Uhhh… SO MUCH ANXIETY! Decorating decisions..? No, I don’t mean those. How to grow oranges in a cold-weather climate? Nope. Writing posts on those topics is a breeze compared to this one. Because….sharing. You know …
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DIY Uplighting — Adding Year-round, Low-cost Magic to your Yard and Garden
I’m still outside playing with lights…and I have a $10 tip to share that can make magic in your yard. A few years ago, we received a holiday card from friends. It included a picture …
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My DIY Beveled Mirror Overmantel
My overmantel mirror project is completed! (Cue the choir of angels and the Alleluia Chorus.) If you care to read about the background of this project…some of the options, and how I came to decide …
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8 Tips to Attract Orioles to Your Yard
I’m not sure if it was seeing goldfinches, bluejays, or cardinals that turned me into a recreational bird geek, but I LOVE welcoming and inviting the many different species of birds that return to our …
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Easy Balloon Topiaries
Need some easy peasy party decorations? Give me 15 minutes and 12 balloons and you’re in business with quick, inexpensive DIY balloon topairies! Last year at this time, I was pretty occupied with creating …
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Gallery Wall for a Long Hallway
Hey! Let’s not ask someone (i.e., me) who can’t follow a straight line to build a beautifully composed gallery wall. 🤣 Remember my original mish mosh attempt at a gallery wall? Not very impressive. A few …
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