Dress. Heels. Candlelit table in the corner of a restaurant. White tablecloth. Bottle of wine. Handsome husband of 39 years seated across the table.
Pass. (All but the handsome husband. He’s a keeper.)
Pretty sure my idea of a romantic dinner includes a pizza; pajama pants; aforementioned handsome husband… my feet up on a DIY ottoman with a couple of dogs snuggled nearby, dark room lit by television.
About two-and-a-half dozen years ago, Mr and I and our kiddos were watching TV and eating pizza in the family room. The phone rang and it was the priest who married us (who also happened to be Mr’s uncle) calling to wish us a happy anniversary.
He was thrilled at the way were “celebrating”.
It isn’t that I don’t enjoy the concept of a candle-lit dinner. I’m just more comfortable in slippers than heels.
Fortunately, I’m well partnered with someone who dresses for work every day (and only recently and begrudgingly stopped wearing ties with his sport coat du jour), who would likewise prefer to NOT have to don his work attire for a date.
So does that mean we’re not romantic?
I don’t think so.
I find it romantic to come down stairs in the morning to discover that the Keurig has been turned on just for me, my favorite pod is cued, and the water is ready for my first cup of coffee;
or to go upstairs at night to discover that the coverlet and sham pillows are removed and the covers have been artfully turned down on each side of the bed;
that no matter where I seem to have left it, either of my favorite coffee mugs have been emptied, hand washed and placed next to the coffee maker for my next dose of caramel-flavored caffeine.
that one of those same coffee mugs is delivered to me, filled and hot, on any Saturday morning when I have opted for some hurkledurkle time;
that the path to my car door is salted on icy mornings or shoveled on snowy ones;
that he holds the car door open for me every time;
that he lets my one-woman dog sleep at the foot of our bed even though he makes way too much noise when we’re trying to sleep;
that a new bar of soap magically appears when my old bar of soap starts approaching sliver status;
and none of that even scratches the surface of when someone is willing to trot off to work every day and take on the family financial burden while you enjoy the privilege of staying at home with the kids (if that is your combined desire); letting you pursue crazy ideas like making wallpaper of your favorite childhood amusement park; blogging; and/or being available to help your elderly family members.
Yep, we bicker. Yep, we have our occasionally unflattering disagreements. But it’s the ability to move past those days, and regroup, and enjoy the morning walk around the yard; or helping the other person pursue their crazy idea (even though you’re worried you’ll get a sliver the size of an icepick in your leg);
or working in the mud together.
It’s not a candle-lit dinner, but my favorite table for two is in our backyard, with the scent of freshly cut grass in the air, when we enjoy the satisfaction of finishing the yardwork together over a celebratory cold beverage on a very hot day.
It’s the big things.
It’s the little things.
It’s all the things.
This month’s monthly “Where Bloggers Live” prompt is “romantic dinner.” Let’s go have a peek at everyone else’s romantic dinner this Valentine’s Day, by visiting
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes?
The second Friday of each month is when this group of seven bloggers link up to share their workspaces,
homes, towns… or whatever our fearless leader, the fabulous Bettye, proposes.
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!
You had me at pizza and television, haha! It really is all the things, isn’t it?
Its all the things…I love that