New year, new me! Resolutions for 2025

It’s a new day!

I’ve hit the ground running and am leaning hard into the new year!

That’s why I’m particularly excited to participate in this month’s Where Bloggers Live topic: “My New Year’s Resolutions.”

This year I intend to knock it out of the park: ambitious goals, completed projects, prompt blog posts detailing and updating everyone on my progress…concisely, with lots of humor and photos. No more long-winded, multi-post adventures for me!

Among those adventures will be a finished kitchen, new guestrooms with empty closets, a functional sewing/craft room…

Why, LOOK!! There’s a guest room in progress!!!


In addition, I’ll vacuum more regularly, stay on top of the laundry, and might even need to change the name of this blog due to the lack of dust and dog hair in the house.

Mr will come home to the meals he deserves after slaying dragons each day. Jack’s coat will be tangle free.

A concise photo that includes both Jack AND the flowers I will water/fertilize. šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

I will water and fertilize all the flowers I plant. I won’t forget to take out the garbage or leave the clothes out for the cleaners.

As a special focus, I will slow down and not accidentally dictate and/or text full conversations to unsuspecting recipients who have no interest in whatever I’m complaining about on a given day. Further, I will also remember to lock my phone so as not to continuously butt dial the veterinarian.

Additionally, at bedtime I will not keep my phone under my pillow and accidentally dial (at two in the morning) the grammar school basketball coach of one of my adult children.

The improvements don’t stop there! I’m also going to focus on eating healthier…no more cheesecake and/or cookie dough for breakfast.

Maybe I will discover wheat germ…

I will endeavor to exceed my daily step goal by 2500 steps, try a yoga class, paint my nails regularly, wear more dresses.

In all, I’m super excited about my new year…and the new me. And I have three months to go before I can come back and say…

“April Fools!”

fingers crossed, tell a fib

(In case I need to clarify….new year, same old me. But good luck with YOUR goals!)

Meanwhile, let’s check out the renewed optimism of my blogging friends:

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own  
Iris at Irisā€™ Original Ramblings
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Jodie at Jodieā€™s Touch of Style 

Welcome to ā€œWhere Bloggers Live.ā€ Itā€™s kind of like HGTVā€™s ā€œCelebrities at Home,ā€ butā€¦Bloggers! 
Who doesnā€™t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside peopleā€™s homes? 
The second Friday of each month is when this group of seven bloggers link up to share their workspaces, 
homes, townsā€¦ or whatever our fearless leader, the fabulous Bettye, proposes.
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!


  1. Ha ha, I was waiting for the April Fools!

    I hope my (guest) room will be done and ready by the time I return to the states and need a place to live!

    And I hope I am not a recipient of “no more long-winded talk to text messages,” cuz I love your messages and want all of them at full length šŸ™‚

    Happy New Year, my friend!

    xoxo Bettye

    1. Well, the “guest” portion is mostly done (you don’t need curtains in your room, do you)? The other half is craft/sewing…and right now is where I’m storing all our vanity supplies and clothes since we’ve just also suddenly torn apart the rest of the upstairs.

      (I hope you still want to receive some of my long-winded messages after my recent and brief sojourn into jerkville.)

  2. As I was reading this, I said to myself would I insult her if I comment “April Fools”? Great minds! Vee

  3. Hahaha!!! I was impressed but a little concerned, too. So glad all is well. No one has kidnapped or “disappeared” you And no one has hijacked your blog.

    You do so much. While I fold laundry and clean toilets, you are completing whole house redesign and redecorating projects. Planting and maintaining a park-like lawn and garden. I have so doubt 2025 will be another year of successful, glorious projects. XO

  4. I knew there was gonna be a gotcha, somehowšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    It’s amazing all of the things we think we should do.
    But we wouldn’t be who we are, if we did them all.
    Let’s just think of it that way!!!

    Besides, didn’t you see that article that i shared last month about how being too clean is not good for us. We need germs in our life.
    Now if that isn’t the rationale, you and I both need, I don’t know what is.


  5. Funny how we think a new year changes our entire personality. Although I do think you inspired me to work on our guest room, even though we rarely have guests.

    1. I always cross my fingers for a positive change, haha.
      I actually hoped to give our kiddos a place to comfortably stay over…but it would be nice to have other people come to visit occasionally.

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