Hello, friends! Today’s the day! I get to put a checkmark on the back hall/mudroom update. Done. Finito! The rugs made me SOOOO excited about the back hall refresh….but there was one more thing I …
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Hello, friends! Today’s the day! I get to put a checkmark on the back hall/mudroom update. Done. Finito! The rugs made me SOOOO excited about the back hall refresh….but there was one more thing I …
Continue readingI am PRIT-TY darn excited. I finally LOVE a space in my house! Our back hall/entryway/mudroom/dump-your-shoes-wherever-there’s-space entrance has needed a refresh for some time. I completed part of it just before Christmas (yes, way back …
Continue readingOnce upon a time…(HEY! I thought she said the next post would be about Kitchen chairs?) Yes, indeed. This IS about kitchen chairs…counter stools to be specific. Question: What’s a DIY counter-height harvest table without chairs?Answer: A …
Continue readingThis is my “How I Built My DIY Counter-height Harvest Table” story. But it’s not exactly a “take X pieces of wood, a bag of wood screws, and a lot of sandpaper” kind of story. …
Continue readingWe’ve had a 30-year love/hate relationship with our kitchen table. We LOVE not having to set our plates on our laps. Everything else about it… hate. Our original kitchen table was delivered at the end …
Continue readingOh, man, am I in trouble! You should never take an easily distracted person on a tour of the Mackenzie-Childs Store and Farmhouse the week before their annual Barn Sale. I’ve never been to the …
Continue readingOh, please…not another angsty post about paint. (In your whiniest voice) I’m Em, my life is so hard. I can’t choose paint. Well NOT TODAY! I painted three rooms in one week…using Benjamin Moore’s “it …
Continue readingI’m VERRRY happy to have my family room Roman Shade project behind me. (I’ve long since moved on to other projects …I’m just waaaay behind in documenting them because my computer is tormenting me). Yes! …
Continue readingYou guessed this day would never come, amirite? You thought I might not EVER finish my family room window project. Or share it with you. To be perfectly honest…ME TOO! Looks like I surprised BOTH …
Continue readingA few months ago, I suggested a terrific article by interior design blogger Laurel Bern. It was a details-matter article about an everyday accessory, one that I agree can add so much to a room. …
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