When researching how to piece the fabric when tufting an oversized cushion, I thought there must be some secret way to sew the pieces together so the fabric would be wide enough. I went to several …
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When researching how to piece the fabric when tufting an oversized cushion, I thought there must be some secret way to sew the pieces together so the fabric would be wide enough. I went to several …
Continue readingI finished the top for my DIY tufted storage ottoman/coffee table and I have to say I am really happy with how it turned out! The in-house reviews are also VERY positive so far…one child …
Continue readingI’m excited to finally begin my deep-tufted oversized storage ottoman! I feel like I’ve done my homework and am ready to take on the challenge. I won’t start off with a supply list (but, if …
Continue readingThis is Kelly…(who is 90 percent responsible for 50 percent of this blog name). She is NOT allowed on the furniture. Really! She needs A LOT of reminding! I also use lots of pillows …
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